A story told from the heart of Nana Quilt…

Imagine an image of a grandmother – a woman with skilled hands and a warm heart, always full of love and care for her grandchildren. That is the main inspiration behind Nana Quilt.
Our story begins with the grandmother of one of our founders. To us, “Nana” is not just an endearing name but a symbol of love and family bonding.
This grandmother has gone through a journey of love with the art of weaving warm blankets – quilts. From childhood days to birthdays, every step in the founder’s life was accompanied by a gift of a quilt from their grandmother. And on a very special day, the founder’s wedding day, the grandmother gifted a meaningful quilt, binding two generations in love and care. These emotions were nurtured within the founder, with the desire to spread goodness, leading to the birth of Nana Quilt.
Nana Quilt is a place where everyone – from grandmothers to mothers to everyone else – can find everything related to quilts. It is a place that nurtures passion, fostering emotional connections between generations through truly meaningful gifts. Stepping into Nana Quilt, we enter the world of people passionate about quilts and always hold a special place in their hearts for family!